пʼятниця, 1 квітня 2016 р.

E-invoicing in EU public procurement as a tool for cross border trade barriers elimination


Public Procurement of goods and services always was one of the principal element
of e-procurements because it effects economic growth, describes governments'
public services and national competitiveness, level of human capital growth in a
long run. Furthermore, researching EU policy on e-procurements demands to
observe legislature essence and technological models of e-procurement solutions
because none of which has not been developed as the universal one yet. Basic
European agreements on public procurements and trade, combining with the
currently used public procurement models, force to develop a commonly used
framework for all EU countries. Monitoring of EU e-procurement system as model
for implementation at Eastern partnerships countries was also suggested.

Keywords: public procurement, e-procurements, e-invoicing, European Union,
Eastern Partnerships

Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies Volume 1/ Issue 2/ December 2015, Chisinau, Moldova, p. 5-12

full text here

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